„Hier sitzt er. Lassen Sie nicht zu, dass er sich seiner Verantwortung entzieht. Machen Sie ihn für seine Verbrechen verantwortlich. Sprechen Sie ihn in allen Punkten schuldig“, appellierte Staatsanwältin Andrea Goldbarg am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) an die Geschworenen. Die Anklage habe seit Prozessbeginn Mitte November „eine Flut von Beweisen“ gegen Guzmán vorgelegt, ergänzte sie in dem sechsstündigen Schlussplädoyer. dpa
New York. Anklage für Verurteilung von „El Chapo“
New York. · Im Prozess gegen den mexikanischen Drogenboss Joaquín „El Chapo“ Guzmán (61, Foto: dpa) in New York hat die Staatsanwaltschaft gefordert, den 61-Jährigen in allen Anklagepunkten zu verurteilen.
(FILES) In this file photo taken on February 22, 2014 Mexican drug trafficker Joaquin Guzman Loera aka "El Chapo Guzman", is escorted by marines as he is presented to the press in Mexico City. - For nearly three months, US federal prosecutors have made their case against Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman in a Brooklyn courtroom. On January 29, 2019, his lawyers made theirs... in about a half-hour. The only witness called by the defense was FBI agent Paul Roberts, who in February 2017 interviewed Jorge Cifuentes, one of Guzman's cocaine suppliers who is jailed in the US and testified against his former boss.Guzman's legal team put Roberts -- who took notes during that interview -- on the stand to try to undermine the credibility of Cifuentes, one of the main witnesses against the 61-year-old onetime Sinaloa cartel boss. (Photo by Ronaldo SCHEMIDT / AFP)